Q-Cut Range
D o w n l o a d
Model Cutting Bed Size
Q-Cut 1516 1500 x 1600 mm
Q-Cut 2516 2500 x 1600 mm
Q-Cut 2521 2500 x 2100 mm
Q-Cut 2532 2500 x 3200 mm
Q-Cut 3516 3500 x 1600 mm
Q-Cut 3521 3500 x 2100 mm
Q-Cut 3532 3500 x 3200 mm
Q-Cut 4521 4500 x 2100 mm
Q-Cut 5516 5500 x 1600 mm
Q-Cut 5532 5500 x 3200 mm
Q-Cut 6532 6500 x 3200 mm
Q-Cut 7521 7500 x 2100 mm
Equipped with a high-precision camera, the Platinum Q-Cut flatbed cutters automatically aligns itself on any material, solving any problems of any inaccuracy from media distortion. The depth of the cutting tool can be accurately controlled via the AKI automatic system. The aluminum top is composed of honeycomb cells, which guarantee the stability of the structure in correlation with thermal expansion / contraction.
The cutter module is equipped with a high frequency rotor, which can be used for cutting a huge variety of materials, both hard and soft, up to a maximum thickness of 50 mm; thanks to its very high performance, this cutter module can work non-stop 24 hours a day. The cutter is equipped with an air cooling system, which is able to considerably increase the life of the blade, which can reach a speed of 60000 rpm.

CTT is ideal for creasing corrugated materials.
DRT is equipped with high speed rotating blades, suitable for woven materials; moreover, it can be equipped with circular or decagonal blades.
KCT specializes in the processing of vinyl materials, ensuring speed and precision during the cutting process.
UCT is able to cut materials up to 5 mm thick. Compared to other blades, this module is the fastest and with the lowest maintenance costs.

Compared to DRT, PRT is capable of cutting even more complex materials, such as fiberglass and Kevlar.
RZ can cut hard materials up to a maximum of 20 mm thick, reaching a speed of up to 60000 rpm.
KCT specializes in the processing of vinyl materials, ensuring speed and precision during the cutting process.
Powered by compressed air, POT is designed for cutting hard and compact materials. Through the use of special blades, it is possible to cut up to 110 mm thick.

EOT is ideal for cutting medium density materials. Equipped with a wide choice of blades for specific uses, EOT reaches a cutting thickness of up to 2 mm.

EOT3 specializes in cutting corrugated, honeycomb, leather and high thickness cardboard materials.