Platinum EQ3 Hybrid ECO (3.2 metre) - Ricoh Gen 6

Q3 Eco Brochure
D o w n l o a d
Platinum EQ3 Hybrid ECO 2.2 metre
The Eco design of the UV Led EQ3 hybrid printer was produced with those who didn’t want the extra cost of nice looking panels and covers, they just wanted practicality. The extreme compactness makes the Q3 Eco easier to squeeze into those tight workshops but still has the functionality of it’s twin sister the “Q3XL Pro”
The exclusive opening mechanism allows easy access from roll to roll to flat printing, just one of the unique functions of the Eco. The Q3 ECO is equipped with a partial Vacuum system with 4 turbines and a pressure roller for fantastic material hold. In addition, the self-levelling vacuum mat stabilizes rigid materials widely used for visual applications such as dibond, forex and MDF, perfectly maintaining the levelling of the impression and minimizing warping and shift caused by fixed belt systems.
The Platinum range also boasts of being Eco friendly and proud of it's Greenguard certificate with being one of the lowest power consumption machines available and the Greenest ink.
Don’t take our word for it, we can put you in touch with plenty of already happy customers in the UK.
Available with White, Varnish and light colours.
Movement system : Linear Drive
Print carriage : THK rail system
Print heads : Ricoh Gen 6
Quantity of print heads : 4 - 16 with just add heads technology
Drop volume : 5Pl
Ink configuration : CMYK Lc,Lm,White and Varnish option
Type of ink : UV Led
Drying system : UV Led polymerization
Bed size : 3200 x unlimited mm
Print height : 50 mm
Print resolution : 2880 DPI
Print speed max : 120 Sqm² / hr
RIP software : Photo Print / Caldera (Opt.) / Onyx (Opt.)
Machine dimensions : 6020mm x 3732mm x 1775mm